It was a bright Monday morning when Captain Rohit, an experienced pilot working with Air India, received a shocking email from the HR department. The email stated that Captain Rohit's contract with Air India was being terminated with immediate effect, and he had to leave the company within a week. Captain Rohit was shocked and traumatized as he had been serving the company for more than a decade with an impeccable record. Upon investigation, Captain Rohit found out that his termination was not an isolated case, but many pilots had faced the same fate in recent times due to Air India's unethical and draconian HR policies.
One of the most controversial HR policies of Air India is its bond policy. As per this policy, pilots have to sign a bond for a period of six years, and if they decide to leave the company before the bond period, they have to pay a hefty penalty of up to 20 lakhs. This policy has caused distress to many pilots as it violates their fundamental right to freedom of profession and mobility.
Another HR policy that has caused outrage among pilots is Air India's discriminatory treatment towards expat pilots. As per this policy, expat pilots are given preferential treatment in terms of salaries, perks, and promotions, while Indian pilots are treated as second-class citizens. This policy is not only unethical but also illegal, as it goes against the principle of equal pay for equal work.
Overall, Air India's HR policies are not only unethical but also illegal, and they violate the fundamental rights of pilots. It is high time that the company revisits its HR policies and ensures fairness, transparency, and inclusivity for all its employees.
- Air India's bond policy violates the fundamental rights of pilots.
- Air India's discriminatory treatment towards expat pilots is illegal and unethical.
- Air India needs to revisit its HR policies and ensure fairness, transparency, and inclusivity for all its employees.
Air India's HR policies, draconian, unethical: Pilot bodies - The Economic Times
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