How to Make the Most of Sponsored Family Nights

+How to Make the Most of Sponsored Family Nights+

Creating Lasting Memories Through Education and Career Exploration

The Value of Family Nights

Imagine attending an event with your family that helps you explore new opportunities and learn new skills. That's exactly the experience that family nights provide. With sponsorship from companies like Google, events like Running Start Family Night, AI for Everyone and Health Careers Day are bringing families closer together through education, entertainment and career exploration.

Concrete Examples of Sponsored Family Nights

At Running Start Family Night, families learn about the history and significance of the suffrage movement, participate in hands-on activities, hear from female leaders, and explore opportunities to get involved in their communities. At AI for Everyone, attendees learn about the basics of AI, how it's shaping the world, and how to participate in the AI ecosystem. At Health Careers Day, families explore careers in allied health professions through hands-on activities and meeting professionals in various health fields.

How to Make the Most of Sponsored Family Nights

  1. Prepare by researching the event and what activities will be available.
  2. Engage your family in the activities and use the event as a bonding experience.
  3. Follow up after the event by exploring opportunities and resources that the event may have highlighted.


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