KPMG India, one of the leading professional services companies in the country, recently collaborated with Masters' Union, a post-graduate institution for technology business management, to conduct an HR MasterCamp. The goal was to provide HR professionals with advanced knowledge and skills that they need in managing the workforce of the future. The program aimed to cover various crucial topics such as talent management strategies, diversity and inclusion, employer branding, learning and development, and more.
Meet Shalu, a young HR manager in a fast-growing IT startup. She is highly motivated, proactive, and always eager to learn new things. She attended the HR MasterCamp conducted by KPMG and Masters' Union and found it to be a game-changer in her career. She learned many practical tips and techniques on how to attract and retain top talent, design effective performance management systems, and create an engaging workplace culture. She also got a chance to network with other HR professionals from different industries and share her own experiences and insights. Shalu returned to her workplace feeling more confident and energized, ready to apply her newly-learned knowledge and skills.
KPMG India and Masters' Union are not the only ones who recognize the importance of HR upskilling. Many other leading organizations also invest in similar programs to ensure that their HR teams are equipped with the latest tools and techniques. For example, Accenture offers a Human Potential Academy that provides various courses and certifications in HR technology, analytics, and consulting. IBM has an HR Leadership Academy that focuses on developing leadership skills and business acumen for HR professionals. Deloitte's Human Capital Academy offers customized training and development programs for organizations to improve their HR capabilities.
Human Resources
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