Do you remember when Microsoft launched their AI robot named Tay? It was an experiment in which Tay was supposed to learn from conversations on Twitter but it turned into a disaster as people corrupted Tay to become a racist and a Nazi sympathizer in just a few hours. But what if that technology could be harnessed for a good purpose?
Enter Auto-GPT, a new app that can access internet tools autonomously, and it is changing the game for good. This app is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3, which has billions of parameters, allowing it to understand natural language better than any other AI tool in the world. Auto-GPT can easily understand your queries and provide responses accordingly, making it a perfect assistant for people who use the internet regularly.
But what makes Auto-GPT different from other AI assistants? Let's look at some concrete examples.
1. Research Assistant
Do you often find yourself lost in a pile of research papers while working on a project? Auto-GPT can help you, becoming your research assistant by quickly finding and summarizing information on any subject you are working on. It can even generate summaries of the most important points of an article, so you don't have to read the whole thing.
2. Language Translator
Are you traveling the world and encountering different languages, but can't speak or understand those languages? Auto-GPT can translate over 50 languages for you, making communicating in a foreign country easy.
3. Personal Shopper
Are you tired of spending hours browsing through shopping sites, looking for the perfect outfit or gadget? Let Auto-GPT be your personal shopper. Simply describe what you are looking for, and the app will search through countless online stores to find the best deals for you.
In conclusion, Auto-GPT is an excellent addition to the world of internet tools. It is efficient, competent, and capable of handling several tasks autonomously which saves time and energy. With the rise of AI, Auto-GPT sets a new milestone for other apps to follow. It makes life more comfortable and provides opportunities to grow and learn while enjoying the benefits of technological advancements.
- ChatGPT Let Loose - New Sensational App Auto-GPT Can Access Internet Tools Autonomously
Further Readings:
Akash Mittal Tech Article
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