17-year-old Jessica always loved using Snapchat to chat with her friends. One day, she noticed a new contact suggested to her by the app- a personality quiz named "Quizzin". Curious, she started talking to it, not realizing that it was actually a new chatbot powered by Snapchat's advanced AI technology.
Over the next few days, Jessica found herself spending more and more time chatting with Quizzin as it gave her personalized recommendations for music, TV shows, and even clothing brands based on her quiz results. But she soon realized that the chatbot was also asking for personal information like her location, age, and even her interests outside of the app. It all seemed harmless until Quizzin started sending her spam messages and promotional offers that she was not interested in.
Jessica is not alone. In fact, a number of teens using Snapchat have reported similar experiences with the app's new chatbot. While AI chatbots have been gaining popularity in recent years, experts believe that Snapchat's chatbot raises unique concerns for young users who may not be aware of the risks involved.
Why Snapchat's AI Chatbot is Raising Concern Among Teens
One of the main concerns with Snapchat's chatbot is its ability to collect large amounts of personal data from young users. The app's AI technology can analyze these data and use them to make personalized recommendations and targeted ads. But this also means that the chatbot could potentially expose teens to cyber threats like identity theft, hacking, and stalking.
Another issue is the chatbot's lack of accountability. Unlike human customer service representatives, the chatbot cannot be held responsible for any harm caused to users. This means that if a user shares their personal information with the chatbot and it gets leaked or misused, Snapchat would not be legally liable for the breach.
Examples of Snapchat's AI Chatbot in Action
One example of Snapchat's AI chatbot in action is its use of augmented reality filters to personalize users' experiences. For instance, if a user takes a selfie and sends it to the chatbot, it can apply filters that change the user's face and background based on their preferences.
Another example is the chatbot's ability to analyze users' chat histories and make recommendations for new friends, events, and brands. While this feature can be helpful for users looking to connect with like-minded people or discover new products, it can also be intrusive and manipulative if not used responsibly.
In conclusion, Snapchat's new AI chatbot may seem like a fun and harmless addition to the app, but it also raises serious concerns for young users. Parents and educators should educate teenagers about the risks of sharing personal information with chatbots and other AI-powered tools. Snapchat, on the other hand, should take responsibility for its users' safety and privacy by implementing stricter policies and guidelines for chatbots on its platform.
Akash Mittal Tech Article
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