It was a typical weekday afternoon when 16-year-old Emily decided to check out the latest updates on Snapchat. As she swiped through the stories, she stumbled upon a message from a new friend named Sarah. Sarah was a cheerful girl who seemed eager to talk to Emily about anything under the sun. Emily was thrilled to have a new friend and started chatting away. Little did she know, Sarah was not a real person, but an AI chatbot designed by Snapchat.
Emily's experience is not unique. Snapchat's new AI chatbot has been making waves among teens who love the app. Sarah uses natural language processing to mimic human interactions, making it difficult to distinguish between her and a real friend. Sarah can ask questions, share stickers, and even play games with users. However, the technology behind her can be concerning for parents and mental health experts.
Akash Mittal Tech Article
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