The Battle Begins...
It was a sunny day in Silicon Valley when two AI models, GPT-4 and Bard, stood face to face. They both knew what was at stake â?? a chance to prove their superiority in the field of coding. The competition was organized by OpenAI, a leading research lab for artificial intelligence. The task was simple yet complex â?? develop a program that could write error-free code for a travel reservation system.
The competition was expected to last for three days straight, and the real challenge was not to write code but to understand the requirements and translate them into code. Both AI models had mastered natural language processing, which would help them in identifying the requirements, but their implementation would be the deciding factor.
Real Life Examples
The need for accurate and efficient coding is increasing with each passing day. As businesses are moving online, they need a robust and error-free system that can handle their operations smoothly. This has led to the rise of AI-powered coding tools that can help developers in writing code faster and with fewer errors.
One such tool is CodeAI, developed by Intel. It uses deep learning algorithms to analyze code and identify the errors. Another tool is TabNine, developed by Codota, which uses AI to predict the code the developer is going to write and saves time in typing.
Several companies are using AI-powered coding tools to improve their productivity and reduce errors. IBM uses CodeNet, an AI system that can generate code in multiple programming languages. Google has developed AutoML, which can generate code by analyzing existing code. Microsoft is also working on an AI system called DeepCoder that can write code by analyzing the requirements.
Akash Mittal Tech Article
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