It was 2019 when a group of artists in Boston decided to experiment with generative AI. They wondered if the technology could help them create art that was truly unique. They set up a system that used neural networks to generate paintings based on a few simple parameters, like color and style.
At first, the results were underwhelming. The paintings looked like something a child might draw. But the artists persisted. They refined the system, tweaking the algorithms and adding new parameters. Slowly, the paintings started to improve. They became more intricate, more beautiful.
After a few months of experimentation, the artists hosted an exhibition of their generative AI paintings. It was a huge success. Visitors were amazed by the quality and originality of the artwork. Many of them wanted to buy the paintings on the spot.
This story is not unique to Boston. Around the world, artists, musicians, writers, and designers are experimenting with generative AI. They are using the technology to create works of art that could not have been produced by humans alone.
Generative AI is not just for artists. It is also being used in commercial applications, such as marketing and advertising. For example, companies like The Grid are using AI to create custom websites for their clients. The AI generates the layout and design of the website based on the client's preferences and brand identity.
Another example is Jukin Media, a company that specializes in licensing and distributing viral videos. Jukin uses AI to analyze millions of videos and identify the ones that are most likely to become viral. This saves the company a lot of time and resources that would otherwise be spent manually sifting through videos.
In healthcare, generative AI is being used to develop new drugs and treatments. For example, Insilico Medicine is using AI to identify new drug candidates for diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. The AI analyzes huge datasets to identify molecules that could be used as drugs, and then generates new molecules that could be even more effective.
Boston's Art Scene Flourishes with Generative AI
As a writer, I am constantly struggling to come up with new ideas and ways of expressing myself. Sometimes, I get stuck in a rut and can't seem to break out of it. This is where generative AI comes in. I've started using tools like Write with Transformer to generate new ideas and inspirations. The tool uses AI to analyze my writing style and generate new sentences and paragraphs that fit with my voice. It's amazing how often the AI comes up with ideas that I would never have thought of on my own.
Curated by Team Akash.Mittal.Blog
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