Digitally Mapping Ecosystems - The Future of Environmental Conservation

+Digitally Mapping Ecosystems - The Future of Environmental Conservation+

Once upon a time in Africa, there lived a group of lions who were in danger of extinction due to the loss of their habitat. However, thanks to a company called Conservation International, who mapped the lion's ecosystem using drones and satellite imagery, the lions were able to find new prey in adjacent areas, keeping their population alive.

Conservation International, along with many other companies and organizations, is at the forefront of using digital mapping technology to understand and protect ecosystems around the world. These tools allow scientists and conservationists to visualize the impacts of human activities such as deforestation, mining, and climate change, and create action plans to conserve threatened species and ecosystems.

Real-Life Examples

One of the companies leading the way in digital mapping is Global Forest Watch. Using satellites, artificial intelligence and crowd-sourcing, they create real-time maps of forest cover and changes, allowing governments, NGOs, and concerned citizens to monitor illegal logging and deforestation in near-real-time. In fact, the company has helped detect illegal logging activities in the Amazon rainforest, leading to the arrest of several perpetrators.

In another example, The Nature Conservancy has mapped the bays and estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay watershed in the USA, creating a comprehensive database of the flora and fauna that reside in these unique ecosystems. The information gathered has helped support conservation legislation and restoration projects, ensuring the preservation of these vital ecosystems for future generations.

Major Companies in the Field


  1. Digital mapping technology is an essential tool for understanding and conserving ecosystems around the world, and has already led to successful outcomes in various instances.
  2. Major companies in the field, such as Conservation International, Global Forest Watch, and The Nature Conservancy, are spearheading the movement towards using digital mapping for conservation and sustainability initiatives.
  3. While these tools are extremely useful, they require funding and continued effort to refine and improve their accuracy and precision, so that long-term planning and corrective measures can be implemented in a timely manner.

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Environmental Science & Technology, Conservation

Article By: Akash Mittal

Akash Mittal Tech Article

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