'Succession' is a hit drama series that follows the lives and relationships of the Roy family, who own and operate a global media conglomerate. The show has been praised for its sharp writing, complex characters, and dark humor. But while the central focus of the show is on the power struggles within the Roy family, some fans and critics have noted that the show is also a poignant commentary on the challenges and responsibilities of being a parent.
A Personal Anecdote
As a parent of two young children, I can attest to the fact that watching 'Succession' sometimes feels uncomfortably familiar. While my family's dynamics and wealth are vastly different from the Roys', I see echoes of my own struggles and fears in the characters. Watching Logan Roy (played by Brian Cox) grapple with his grown children's shortcomings and vices, while also trying to mold them into suitable heirs to his media empire, feels not so different from the challenges of trying to raise my own children to be responsible, caring adults.
But it's not just anecdotal evidence that supports the idea that 'Succession' is a show about parenting. Some critics have pointed out specific themes and motifs that tie into this idea. For example, in an article for The New Republic, Alex Shephard wrote about the prevalence of scenes in which the Roy children seek validation and approval from Logan, often to the point of humiliating themselves or betraying their own values.
Shephard noted that this dynamic is reflective of the ways in which children often try to win their parents' love and acceptance, even when it means going against their own interests or values. He also pointed out that Logan's manipulative tactics and standoffishness are similar to the behavior of authoritarian parents who prioritize control over their children's emotional well-being.
Meanwhile, in an essay for The New Yorker, Jia Tolentino discussed the show's portrayal of toxic masculinity and the ways in which the Roy men struggle to balance their own desires and needs with the expectations placed on them by society and their families. Tolentino noted that this theme is relevant to parenting as well, as many fathers face the pressure to conform to traditional ideas of masculinity and to prioritize their own ambitions and dominance over their relationships with their children.
Practical Tips
So what can we learn from 'Succession' about parenting? While the show certainly doesn't offer easy answers or straightforward solutions to these complex issues, there are some practical tips and insights that can be gleaned from the show's portrayal of the Roy family's dynamics.
- Validate your children's feelings and experiences, even if you don't always agree with them. Try to listen to them and understand where they're coming from, rather than dismissing them or enforcing your own agenda.
- Don't prioritize your own needs and desires over your children's well-being. While it's important to pursue your own interests and ambitions, it's also crucial to remember that your children rely on you to provide them with love, support, and stability.
- Acknowledge and address toxic behaviors and patterns within your family. Whether it's authoritarian control, toxic masculinity, or other harmful dynamics, it's important to identify these issues and work to change them.
'Succession' may not always be easy to watch, but its exploration of the complexities of parenting and family dynamics offers a compelling and thought-provoking perspective on these universal themes. Whether you're a parent yourself or simply interested in exploring the intricacies of human relationships, this show is definitely worth a watch.
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