Mistake That Costs Recent College Graduates Their Diplomas


Her heart was racing as Mary signed into her student account and clicked the link to check her grades. She had just completed her final semester at college, and like many students, she struggled to stay focused and motivated during the online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, she had still managed to submit all her assignments and take all her exams as required.

But as she looked at the screen, her eyes widened in horror. There was an "F" in one of her courses, and it was a required course for her major. She read the professor's comment, which said that she had submitted a plagiarized paper. Mary's heart sank as she realized that she had made a critical mistake that would cost her much more than just her grade in that class. It would cost her diploma and her future career prospects.

Student Studying

Mistakes That Cost Graduates Their Diplomas

Mary's story is not unique. According to recent studies, many graduates make mistakes that cost them their diplomas every year. Here are some quantifiable examples of such mistakes:

The above mistakes can cost students not only their diplomas but also their future careers, as they affect their academic records and their reputation in the job market.

Practical Tips to Avoid Mistakes That Cost Graduates Their Diplomas

Here are some practical tips that students can follow to avoid making mistakes that can cost them their diplomas and future careers:

By following these tips, students can avoid making the mistakes that cost them their diplomas and future careers.


In conclusion, making mistakes is a part of life, but some mistakes can cost us more than others. As college students, we need to be aware of the mistakes that can cost us our diplomas and future careers and take steps to avoid them.

  1. We must understand academic integrity and avoid plagiarism and cheating.
  2. We must create a schedule and stick to it to avoid missing deadlines or submitting rushed or incomplete work.
  3. We must participate actively in classes and seek academic advice to choose courses and career paths that align with our goals and interests.

By following these tips, we can graduate with our diplomas and embark on successful careers that make us proud and fulfilled.

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Hashtags: #college #graduates #diplomas #mistakes #plagiarism #deadlines #academicadvisers #academicintegrity #careersuccess

Article Category: Higher Education

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