The Shocking Case of A NYC Lawyer Who Used ChatGPT to File Bogus Court Documents


It's not often that we hear of lawyers using chatbots to file fraudulent court documents. Yet, this is exactly what happened in a recent case in New York City. According to a report by the New York Post, a prominent attorney in the city has admitted to using a popular chatbot called ChatGPT to create and file documents that were later found to be fraudulent.

While the specifics of the case are still being investigated, this is a clear example of how technology can be used for unethical purposes in the legal profession. In this article, we'll explore what happened in more detail, examine the wider implications of this type of behavior, and offer practical tips for avoiding similar issues.

The Case of The NYC Lawyer and ChatGPT

According to the New York Post, the lawyer in question used ChatGPT to create and file a series of documents related to a particular legal case. These documents were then submitted to the relevant court, where they were accepted and used as evidence during trial.

However, it wasn't long before it was discovered that the documents in question were fraudulent. The lawyer eventually admitted to having used ChatGPT to create them, claiming that he had done so in order to save time and be more efficient.

The Wider Implications of This Type of Behavior

The use of chatbots and other forms of AI in the legal profession is becoming increasingly common. However, this case highlights the dangers associated with relying too heavily on these tools without proper vetting and oversight.

For one thing, it raises questions about the ethics of using AI to create documents that are then submitted as evidence in court. There is a clear risk that fraudulent documents could be created in this way, potentially leading to unjust outcomes.

In addition, it calls into question the role of lawyers in general. If chatbots and other forms of AI can be used to create legal documents, what does this mean for the future of the legal profession? Will lawyers one day be replaced by software?

Practical Tips for Avoiding Similar Issues

Despite these concerns, chatbots and other forms of AI can still be used ethically and effectively in the legal profession. Here are some practical tips for avoiding similar issues:

  1. Always vet any chatbots or AI tools before using them for legal work. Check their validity and make sure they adhere to ethical standards and produce documents that are credible in court.
  2. Never rely solely on chatbots or AI for legal work. While they can streamline workflows, human oversight is crucial to ensure the accuracy and ethicality of the documents produced.
  3. Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and the legal profession. This will help you to stay up-to-date on best practices and avoid any ethical or legal pitfalls that may arise.


The case of the NYC lawyer and ChatGPT is a clear example of the dangers associated with using AI in the legal profession without proper oversight and vetting. While AI can be a valuable tool for lawyers, it's crucial to ensure that any tools used are ethical, accurate, and credible in court.

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