On Friday, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman dismissed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's remarks on the Centre's policy towards China. While addressing a press conference in Bengaluru, Sitharaman said, "For centuries, we had an undefined boundary [with China]. And for decades, there had been agreements with China, but still, today we have a situation where such kind of incursions have happened."
"It is for the external affairs minister to talk with the Chinese counterpart as soon as possible. But Congress asking me how this happened, and what you did, I say, please look back. Congress has a legacy of compromising India's national security. They have questions to answer," she added.
India's stance on China has become more aggressive in recent years, especially after the 2017 Doklam standoff. There have been a few notable incidents over the past year that demonstrate India's strong stance towards China:
Rahul Gandhi had earlier criticized the Centre's policies towards China and questioned the government's claim that no Indian territory was occupied by Chinese troops. In a tweet earlier this week, he said, "Remember his [PM Modi's] promise – aatma nirbhar Bharat? Well, he gifted away thousands of km of Indian land to China." He also shared a media report that alleged that China had occupied 60 km of Indian territory in Ladakh.
Sitharaman's response to Rahul Gandhi's comment was firm and unequivocal. She pointed out that the boundary with China had been undefined for centuries and that there had been agreements with China in the past. She also criticized the Congress for compromising India's national security in the past and said that the external affairs minister would speak with his Chinese counterpart to resolve the issue.
In conclusion, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's response to Rahul Gandhi's comment on the Centre's policy towards China was clear and strong. She pointed to the fact that India had an undefined boundary with China for centuries and that agreements had been made with China in the past. Sitharaman also highlighted the Congress's past record of compromising national security and said that the external affairs minister would address the issue with his Chinese counterpart. India's stance towards China has become increasingly assertive over the past few years, as demonstrated by the recent ban on Chinese apps, increased scrutiny of Chinese investments, and India's participation in the Quad alliance.
Curated by Team Akash.Mittal.Blog
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