Imagine one day you wake up to find that your bank account has been hacked and emptied. You are devastated and outraged. You contact your bank to get to the bottom of it, and they inform you that the system's fraud detection model failed to catch the unauthorized activities, allowing the attacker to take advantage of your personal information. This situation can happen to anyone, and many people have been a victim of it. Now, what if there is a way to prevent it from happening? This is where Openlayer comes in.
Openlayer is a startup company that was founded by Cédric Fauvet and Sarah Katyal to address the growing need for better machine learning model testing and verification. The company recently raised $4.8M in funding to accelerate its mission of bringing transparency and reliability to the world of machine learning.
One of the most significant challenges in the field of machine learning is ensuring that models are accurate, reliable, and unbiased. Machine learning models are designed to make predictions based on patterns and data. However, to make accurate predictions, they require data that accurately represents the real world. The problem is that the training data can be biased, incomplete, or outdated, which leads to models with poor performance and unreliable predictions.
Openlayer provides tools that help data scientists test and verify their models to ensure their accuracy and reliability. The company's software allows users to identify bias, errors, and inconsistencies in their models and data sets, enabling them to make more informed decisions and improve the models' performance. Openlayer's goal is to help organizations develop more trustworthy and transparent AI systems that can benefit society and individuals alike.
Some of the main companies that have adopted Openlayer's technology include Deloitte, Deutsche Telekom, and IBM. Deloitte, for instance, used Openlayer's software to develop an AI system that predicts the likelihood of financial market crashes. By testing the model with Openlayer's tools, Deloitte was able to identify biases that could have had a significant impact on the system's performance. Deutsche Telekom used Openlayer to test its customer service chatbots, ensuring accuracy and reliability in their communication with customers. IBM is also a partner of Openlayer and has integrated its tools into its Watson Studio software, enabling data scientists to test and verify their machine learning models.
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