Staying Human in the Digital World

+Staying Human in the Digital World - ChatGPT+

By Akash Mittal | Category: Technology

It was just like any other day when Sarah woke up to the sound of her phone alert. Half-asleep, she unlocked her phone and started scrolling through the notifications. That's when she realized she has spent the last 30 minutes on social media without even realizing it. Sarah felt guilty for wasting her precious morning hours doing nothing productive. She wondered if she's the only one struggling to stay human in the digital world...

The truth is, we are all connected to the internet all the time. We rely on technology for almost everything - from keeping in touch with friends to running businesses. While it has made our lives easier, it has also taken a toll on our mental health and overall well-being. So, how can we stay human in the digital world?

Real Life Examples

Let's take the example of Apple Inc. They have recently launched a feature called "Screen Time" that allows users to monitor and limit their time on apps. This initiative promotes the importance of balancing technology use and real-life activities.

Another company that focuses on keeping it human is Google. They have introduced a feature called "Digital Wellbeing" to help users understand their habits and take control of their digital lives. This is a step towards a healthier relationship with technology.


It's important to note that technology is not the enemy, it's our excessive dependence on it that causes harm. By setting digital boundaries, we can stay human in the digital world. Let us remember that technology is only a tool - we should use it for our benefit, not to control us.

Critical Comments:

  1. We should not rely entirely on technology for our social interactions.
  2. Technology should be used sparingly to prevent addiction.
  3. It is important to monitor our screen time and set boundaries for our wellbeing.

Akash Mittal Tech Article

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