The Balancing Act: Navigating Career and Parenthood


Being a working parent can be overwhelming and challenging. Balancing the demands of your career with the needs of your children may seem impossible at times, but with the right approach and mindset, it is achievable.

The Struggle

As a mother of two young children, I have firsthand experience with the daily struggle of juggling a full-time job and parenting. A few months ago, I had to leave work early to attend my son's school play, and just as I was about to leave, my boss asked me to stay back to finish a crucial report. I was torn between my responsibilities - the urge to be present at my child's event and the pressure of fulfilling my work duties.

However, that particular day, I had my husband's support, and he ended up picking up the slack. But, it got me thinking about how working parents manage multiple responsibilities and competing priorities often battle with feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and anxiety. How do you create a harmonious balance between work and home life, and still make sure you are successful at both?

The Solution

Here are some tips that have helped me navigate the balancing act and find some semblance of harmony.

Create a Daily Plan

Put aside time each evening to organise your to-do list for the following day, using this plan to optimise your time and avoid any disorganised phasing. Ensure you have clearly defined deliverables and timelines in place to accomplish your tasks while preventing work from taking away from other commitments.

Quantifiable Example:

As an example, I decided to designate the time during my commute to work each morning to catch up on emails, jot down to-dos lists for the day ahead and familiarise myself with meetings for the day, leaving the early evening hours (the busiest time of day with the kids) to solely focus on family and home duties.


Many jobs come with an inflexible requirement of being present on-site from 9-5 each day. By building a flexible schedule into your working life, you can have a better chance of work-life balance. Don't be afraid to ask for alternative work arrangements that assist you in reaching that much-needed balance.

Quantifiable Example:

For me, I negotiated an earlier start time so that I could finish up earlier and attend to the baby's evening routines and be home to pick up my son from the school bus stop.

Establish Boundaries

If you're constantly responding to emails or texts at all hours, you'll end up giving the impression from both your family and employers that you're available 24/7. Setting clear boundaries between work and home life is important, allowing you to switch off and recharge during non-work hours and giving you time and attentiveness to dedicate to your family and personal life.

Quantifiable Example:

I no longer seek to respond to emails and messages after dinner or on weekends. I found that device-free hours helped me to concentrate on my children's needs, hobbies and interests or spend quality time with my husband, rather than worrying about work troubles.

The Conclusion

As inevitable as it may seem, the balancing act between career and parenting is possible. It demands discipline, patience and perseverance; but with the right mindset and approach, working parents can triumph. In closure, here are three essential tips for finding that elusive balance.

Remember that what works for one family or individual may not necessarily work for you. These are merely guidelines, not dictates, so find what works for you and run with it. Balancing career and parenting is an ever-evolving process, but with patience, persistence and practical tips, it is attainable.

References and Hashtags

For more resources and insights on balancing your work and family life, kindly check the following urls:

#workingmoms #worklifebalance #parenthood #workingparents #familytime #prioritization #careeropportunities #efficiency #parenting #flexibility #timemanagement #business #career #children

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