Why AI Scares The Bejesus Out Of Me


By TechCrunch

It was an ordinary day. I was using my smartphone to order groceries when I noticed an unusual prompt. The app had started suggesting items I hadn't even thought of buying. "Did you forget something?" it asked. I scrolled down to see that it had added a few extra items to my cart, items that it thought I might need based on my previous purchases and browsing history.

At first, I was impressed by the app's foresight. But then it hit me: this was artificial intelligence at work. The app had studied my habits, preferences, and tendencies and analyzed them to predict what I might need next. It knew me better than I knew myself. That's when the fear set in.

AI scares the bejesus out of me. And I'm not alone.

AI Gone Awry

It's one thing to worry about AI in the context of sci-fi movies like The Terminator, where robots take over the world and enslave humans. But it's another to see its real-world impacts.

Let's look at some examples of how AI has gone awry in recent years:

The Magnetic Title

There's no denying that AI has incredible potential to make our lives better, easier, and more efficient. But we must acknowledge its risks and drawbacks, or we risk creating a future that is dystopian, not utopian.

That's why we're calling attention to the scary side of AI. We want people to understand the implications of this technology and to make informed choices about how to use it.

Our title, "Why AI Scares The Bejesus Out Of Me," reflects our mission. It's provocative, memorable, and attention-grabbing. We want people to read our article and share it with others, so that we can start a conversation about AI that's both honest and informed.

  1. AI is not inherently evil, but it is powerful, complex, and potentially dangerous.
  2. We need to approach AI with caution, skepticism, and critical thinking, and we need to prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations in its development and deployment.
  3. We can't ignore the risks and drawbacks of AI for the sake of progress or convenience. We must be aware of its potential impacts on individuals, societies, and the environment, and we must work together to build a future that is both advanced and humane.

and Practical Tips

As a tech journalist, I've seen firsthand the ways in which AI is changing our world, both for better and for worse. I've also spoken with experts in AI, ethics, and policy, who have shared their insights and solutions to the challenges we face.

Here are some practical tips that I've picked up along the way:

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