Recently, news broke that Ben McKenzie, the actor known for his roles in The OC and Gotham, is rewatching The OC with his 7-year-old child. And while some may find this to be a heartwarming bonding experience, others see it as a comedic failure in parenting.
This isn't the first time McKenzie has made jokes about his parenting struggles, but it's certainly one that many parents can relate to. Here's why:
Parenting Struggles
It's no secret that parenting is hard work. But when we see public figures like Ben McKenzie making light of their struggles, it can make us feel less alone. Here are just a few examples of parenting failures that McKenzie has shared:
- Trying to get his child to brush their teeth is a battle he doesn't always win.
- His child once told him "Dad, I don't like it when you yell." Ouch.
- McKenzie's child often prefers to watch YouTube videos over spending quality time with dad.
- When asked about his daily routine, McKenzie replied, "wake up before the kids, drink coffee, try not to screw up."
These examples may be specific to McKenzie's parenting style and unique to his child, but they're also incredibly relatable. Almost every parent has struggled to get their child to brush their teeth or felt guilty for yelling. By sharing his own experiences, McKenzie is making it clear that parenting isn't always glamorous or easy.
The Humor in Parenting Struggles
While many parenting struggles are frustrating and exhausting in the moment, they often make for great stories and laughs later on. As McKenzie has shown, there's humor to be found in even the most mundane parenting tasks. Here's why laughing at our own failures can actually be a good thing:
- It takes the pressure off. When we can laugh at our own mistakes, we're less likely to beat ourselves up when things don't go as planned.
- It can bring couples and families closer together. Sharing stories and laughter can be a bonding experience, even when it's over something as simple as a failed attempt at bedtime.
- It helps us learn and grow. When we can approach our parenting struggles with humor, we're more likely to see them as opportunities for growth and improvement.
The Realities of Modern Parenting
Parenting today is different than it was even just a decade ago. From technological advancements to changing societal norms, parents are facing new challenges every day. By sharing his own parenting struggles, McKenzie is shedding light on some of the realities of modern parenting:
- Technology is a blessing and a curse. While it can be a great tool for entertainment and education, it can also pose a challenge for parents who want their kids to unplug and engage in more meaningful activities.
- Parenting is a balancing act. Between work, household responsibilities, and quality time with family, parents are often pulled in multiple directions at once. It's no wonder that many of us feel like we're "trying not to screw up."
- Parenting is hard, but it's also rewarding. While parenting comes with its fair share of struggles, it also brings love, joy, and meaning into our lives.
In conclusion, Ben McKenzie's rewatching of The OC with his 7-year-old may not be the most traditional parenting choice, but it's a relatable and humorous one. By sharing his own parenting struggles, McKenzie is helping to normalize the idea that parenting isn't always easy or perfect. By laughing at our own mistakes and struggles, we can take the pressure off ourselves and find ways to grow and learn as parents.
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