It was just another day for Ram Sharma, a farmer from the border village of Chumar in Ladakh, until his life took a dramatic turn. Ram was out feeding his livestock when he heard an unusual noise coming from the nearby hills. He immediately rushed to his hut and called his family to take cover. Minutes later, he realized that it was a Chinese army invasion, and his life, along with many others in the area, was at risk.
Ram's story is similar to the many others who live near the India-China border. The tensions between the two countries have been ongoing for decades, but recently they have reached new heights. Last year, India and China had a major standoff in the Galwan Valley, resulting in casualties on both sides. This incident showed the world that the relationship between India and China is more fragile than ever before.
There is no doubt that India needs to take a fresh approach to de-escalation with China. This article will explore why and offer three practical tips to help India move forward.
The tension between India and China can be seen in the numbers. Trade between India and China has decreased significantly in the past few years. In 2018-2019, India's trade deficit with China was around $53 billion. In the same period, India's exports to China decreased by 1.62%, while imports from China increased by 4.99%. This trade deficit is a major concern for India and needs to be addressed in any de-escalation talks.
Another quantifiable example is the number of troops each country has stationed along the border. According to a report by The Indian Express, China has deployed around 50,000 troops along the India-China border, while India has deployed around 90,000 troops. This is a clear indication that both countries are preparing for a long-term conflict.
In conclusion, the relationship between India and China is at an all-time low. India needs to take a fresh approach to de-escalation with China by engaging in diplomatic talks, focusing on trade, and investing in infrastructure. These practical tips will help India move forward and improve its relationship with China.
Curated by Team Akash.Mittal.Blog
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